The inverse problem of 'eigenstates-to-Hamiltonian' is considered for an open chain of N quantum spins in the context of Many-Body-Localization. We first construct the simplest basis of the Hilbert space made of 2 N orthonormal Matrix-Product-States (MPS), that will thus automatically satisfy the entanglement area-law. We then analyze the corresponding N Local Integrals of Motions (LIOMs) that can be considered as the local building blocks of these 2 N MPS, in order to construct the parent Hamiltonians that have these 2 N MPS as eigenstates. Finally we study the Matrix-Product-Operator form of the Diagonal Ensemble Density Matrix that allows to compute long-time-averaged observables of the unitary dynamics. Explicit results are given for the memory of local observables and for the entanglement properties in operator-space, via the generalized notion of Schmidt decomposition for density matrices describing mixed states.
I. INTRODUCTIONMany-Body-Localization for quantum interacting disordered systems is a fascinating phase of matter with very unusual properties with respect to the standard thermalization scenario of statistical physics (see the reviews [1-8] and references therein). In particular, excited eigenstates display an entanglement area-law [9-13] instead of the entanglement volume-law of thermalized eigenstates. As a consequence, they can be efficiently approximated by Matrix Product States or DMRG-X algorithms [14-20] that generalize to excited states the Density-Matrix-RG algorithm concerning ground-states [21][22][23]. Another proposal is to construct them via the RSRG-X procedure [24][25][26][27][28][29][30][31][32][33][34][35][36] that generalizes to excited states the Strong Disorder Real-Space RG approach [37] introduced initially by Ma-Dasgupta-Hu [38] and Daniel Fisher [39] to construct the ground states of random quantum spin chains. Another surprising property is that the Many-Body-Localized phase can be characterized by an extensive number of Local Integrals of Motions (LIOMs) [40][41][42][43][44][45][46][47][48][49][50][51][52][53][54][55][56][57]. The emergence of these LIOMs can be for instance understood within the RSRG-t procedure [58][59][60][61][62] that generalizes to the unitary dynamics the Strong Disorder Real-Space RG approach already mentioned above. These LIOMs can be interpreted as the building blocks of the whole set of eigenstates.The main activity in the field of Many-Body-Localization has been focused on the 'direct problem', where one analyzes the properties of a given disordered interacting Hamiltonian H in order to determine if a Many-Body-Localized phase exists in a certain region of parameters, usually numerically or via approximate analytical methods, although some mathematically rigorous results also exist [44,63]. In the present paper, we will instead consider the 'inverse problem' : we will first build an orthonormal basis of the Hilbert space made of Matrix-Product-States, that will thus automatically satisfy the entanglement area-law; we will then construct the p...