Decoy-based methods are a popular choice for the statistical validation of peptide detections in tandem mass spectrometry proteomics data. Such methods can achieve a substantial boost in statistical power when coupled with post-processors such as Percolator that use auxiliary features to learn a better-discriminating scoring function. However, we recently showed that Percolator can struggle to control the false discovery rate (FDR) when reporting the list of discovered peptides. To address this problem, we developed a general protocol called “RESET” that is used to determine the list of reported discoveries in a target-decoy competition setup, where each putative discovery is augmented with a list of relevant features. The key idea is that, rather than using the entire set of decoys wins for both training and estimating, a random subset of decoys is chosen for each task. One subset is then used to train a semi-supervised machine learning model, and the other is used for controlling the FDR. We show that, by applying RESET to the Percolator algorithm, we control the FDR both theoretically and empirically, while reporting only a marginally smaller number of discoveries than Percolator. Furthermore, a variant of the protocol that we introduce, which requires generating two decoys per target, maintains theoretical and empirical FDR control, typically reports slightly more discoveries than Percolator, and exhibits less variability than the single-decoy approach.