In a topological construct X endowed with a proper (E, M)-factorization system and a concrete functor : X → Prap, we study F -compactness and FHausdorff separation, where F is a class of "closed morphisms" in the sense of Clementino et al. (A functional approach to general topology. In: Categorical by . In particular, we point out under which conditions on , the notion of F -compactness of an object X of X coincides with 0-compactness of the image (X) in Prap. Our results will be illustrated by some examples: except for some well-known ones, like b -compactness of a topological space, we also capture some compactness notions that were not considered before in the literature. In particular, we obtain a generalization of bcompactness to the setting of approach spaces. This notion is shown to play an important role in the study of uniformizability.