The magneto-optical properties of high-purity CuCl at 4.2 K show that the two lines vi (25665.2 cm-l) and v i (25697.6 em-l) are due t o transitions to (or from) excitons bound to the same neutral acceptor, the two holes arising from the lowest rs valence band. They are attributed, respectively, to the J = 512 and J = 112 states of the (Ao, X) complex. These results are explained by the importance of the electron-hole exchange interaction and by a dominant occurrence of the rS rather than the r7 neutral acceptors. As a consequence, free holes should chiefly arise from the I?, valence band. This is due to the particularly low value of the valence band spin-orbit splitting ( A s 0 z 600 cm-l), compared to the free-exciton binding energy (Ex z 1523 em-l) or to the estimated r7 acceptor ionization energy (Ex =: 17000 cm-l). These conclusions support, the previous assignment of line v2 (25654 cm-l) to a transition between a free r, hole and a ra charged exciton Xz+.