A polycrystalline material was simulated by assuming a random distribution o f small crystalites. The effect o f a small applied m agnetic field on the N Q R lineshape was calculated for half integral spin nuclei ( / = 3/2, 5/2, 7/2 and 9 /2 ) using a theory based on Toyam a's work [11], The line shapes indicate qualitatively the half width ratios o f the upper and lower resonances (e.g. A v1/Av] for 1=5/2) and thus enables one to see generally whether the broadening mechanism is mainly due to m agnetic or electric effects.
General ConsiderationsConventionally, the Zeeman effect in NQR has been studied by the variations in the splittings of the resonance of a spin 3/2 system as the orientation of a single crystal was varied in the applied field [1,2,3], Morino and Toyama [4] were the first to show that a distinct effect was also observable in polycrystalline samples. Brooker and Creel [5] and Darville, Gerard and Calende [6] have independent ly given a full analysis of the problem where the applied magnetic field and the r.f. field were parallel. This has since been extended to other orientations and nuclei [7,8].In most polycrystalline samples studied by us so far with multilevel spin systems containing halogen nuclei (e.g. 127I), it has been shown that even for the best and most perfect crystalline samples, electrical broadening effects dominated [9,10]. As shown in a previous paper [10] with p-diiodobenzene, electrical broadening gives the ratio of 2.0 for the ratio of half widths of the upper and lower l27I lines. It can be qualitatively shown from the calculated line shapes in this paper that the half width NQR line ratio due to magnetic interaction is significantly less than 1.0 . In order to observe such magnetic broadening effects almost perfect crystals of p-diiodobenzene had to be obtained but since the compound has a tendency to decompose in heat and light it was not possible to obtain the desired conditions. Hence, it is proposed to present in the first instance the theoretical prediction of line shapes. To a large extent the theoretical treatment is based on solutions of equations developed by Toyama [11].
2, The Zeeman Perturbation for H alf Integral SpinWhen a static magnetic field is applied to a nuclear quadrupolar system, the energy levels are determined by solving the secular eqation for the entire perturbed nuclear quadrupolar Hamiltonian ST, where z r = H Q + Hm.
(l)Here Hq is the pure (unperturbed) nuclear quadru polar Hamiltonian and H m is that describing the magnetic interaction and is given by Hm = -y i H ,where y is the magnetogyric ratio and IH is the scalar product of the nuclear spin and applied magnetic field vectors. In the NQR case, the Zeeman effect is studied with external fields of the order of 100 gauss [1]. The nuclear magnetic dipoledipole fields are about 1 or 2 gauss and therefore the following perturbation treatment is a valid approximation.The eigenvalues of the nuclear quadrupolar Hamiltonian for half integral spins with finite asym metry parameter are given by
m 'T...