We show that in a nonintegrable spin ladder system with the XX type of coupling along the legs and the XXZ type along the rungs there are invariant subspaces that support ballistic magnetization transport. In the complementary subspace the transport is found to be diffusive. This shows that (i) quantum chaotic systems can possess ballistic subspaces, and (ii) diffusive and ballistic transport modes can coexist in a rather simple nonintegrable model. In the limit of an infinite anisotropy in rungs the system studied is equivalent to the one-dimensional Hubbard model.Transport properties of simple spin ladders are interesting for two reasons. On one hand they are realized in a number of materials [1][2][3], on the other they serve as model systems on which theoretical ideas can be tested. For instance, the Hubbard model -a paradigmatic model of strongly correlated electrons -is equivalent to a ladder system. One of the most actively investigated areas of statistical physics in recent years is nonequilibrium properties of strongly correlated systems. In particular, there is a long quest to understand transport properties of systems from first principles, e.g. [4]. For recent studies of transport in spin ladders see [6][7][8][9][10][11]. With rapidly progressing experimental cold atoms techniques [12], transport properties of Fermi gases [13] as well as of the Hubbard model [14] have actually been measured. Perhaps the simplest question, is a given model diffusive or ballistic, seems to be for most models too difficult to rigorously answer, even if the system is integrable, an example being for instance the gapped one-dimensional Heisenberg model, see, e.g. [5]. A powerful method to prove ballistic transport is by bounding the time-averaged current autocorrelation function using constants of motion, the so-called Mazur's inequality [15,16]. Because quantum integrability is usually defined [17] by the existence of an infinite set of local conserved quantities it often leads to ballistic transport. In fact, all proved ballistic systems are integrable and possess either local [16] or quasilocal [18] conserved quantities that have nonzero overlap with the current. Based on this one is tempted to conclude that ballistic transport is possible only in integrable systems and that chaotic ones display diffusion. However, as we shall show, this widely held belief is not correct. Studying a class of spin ladder systems, which includes nonintegrable as well as integrable instances (the Hubbard model), we explicitly show the existence of ballistic transport. This provides a new mechanism of ballistic transport, different from the so-far known ballistic transport in integrable systems.XX-ladder.-We shall study the so-called XX spin ladder composed of two coupled spin-1/2 chains in which the nearest-neighbor coupling along two chains (legs) is of the XX type, while the interchain coupling (rungs) is of the XXZ type. We shall show that the XX ladder, regardless of the value of two parameters J and ∆, possesses a number of ballistic...