Proof: During the preprocessing phase, servers execute the preprocessing phase corresponding to n instances of Π mult protocol, resulting in a communication of 3n ring elements (Lemma C.8). In parallel, servers execute one instance of Π trgen protocol resulting in an additional communication of 2 ring elements (Lemma C.9).The online phase is similar to that of Π dotp protocol apart from servers P 1 , P 2 computing additive shares of z − r, where z = x y, which results in a communication of 2 ring elements. This is followed by servers P 1 , P 2 executing one instance of Π jsh protocol on the truncated value of z to generate its arithmetic sharing. This incurs a communication of 1 ring element. This is followed by servers locally adding their shares. Hence, the online phase requires 1 round and an amortized communication of 3 ring elements.
4) Activation Functions:Lemma C.11 (Communication). Protocol relu requires 5 rounds and an amortized communication of 12 +9p bits in the preprocessing phase and requires 3 rounds and an amortized communication of 7 + 3p + 1 bits in the online phase. Here p denotes the size of the larger field which is p = + 25 in this work.Proof: One instance of relu protocol involves the execution of one instance of Π bitext , Π bit2A , and Π mult . Hence the cost follows from Lemma C.6, Lemma C.7 and Lemma C.5.