This paper is a continuation of our previous work [15] where we have studied the Stokes phenomenon for a particular family of equation (1.1) with (1.2)-(1.3) from a perturbative point of view. Here we focis on the explicit computation of the Stokes matrices at the non-resonant irregular singularity for a more general situation. In particular, utilizing Borel-Laplace summation method, the iterated integrals approach and some properties of the hypergeometric series we compute by hand the Stokes matrices of three families of equation (1.1)-(1.2)-(1.3) under assumptions that β j 's are assumed distinct andMoreover these results remain valid for these distinct β j 's for whichIn addition, iterated integrals approach allows us to give, under some restrictions, an explicit representation of the 1-sum of the product of two certain divergent 1-summable power series, that have different singular directions.