The temperature dependcnces of shapes, widths, positions, and intensities of the zerophonon lines in the fluorescence spcctra of 1.12-benzperylene and coronene in a normal hexano matrix are irivcstigated experirnentnlly. The results obtained are discirsqcd in terms of t h e theory of the electron-phonon interactionin Lhe inlpnrity crystals. Thest>rertgth of the impurity-mat,rix coupling in t>he systems studied is shown to he very snitill. At high tomperatures the zero-phonon linewidt,h is a resiilt~ of theRainan Ec-tttering of the lattice phonons by the impurity molccrrle. The estimation of the change i n normal mode frequencies upon the phototransition in the impurity molecule and the mixing of the initial state norrnsl modes of the crystal sliow that those values are small. The anharrnonicit,y of t,he c.ryst,al vibrations in t>he "soft" organic crystals iri contrast to the "hard" inorganic crystals is shown to play an important role and t o det.crmine considerably t,he zero-phonon line characteristics. M I I T~H C A B I I O C T C I ~~U~O H O H H I J~ ~1i111aii n riiewpax c&nyopec.r~eiwmi 1,12-%e~311ep~-IlCCJle~oBalIa TeMIIe~laTyJlIIaH ~ZIBIICIIMOCTIB $,O~I."ZhI, rUIl[3lliIhI, IIO.llOM!€iMfI PI .lle1121 Ii 1;OpOtieHa €3 MaTpZlIle H O P M~. J I h I I O~~ reKCaHa. 1 [OJIyqeHHhIe pe3yJIbTaTbI 06cy>rc~aK)TCII H21 OCHOBC Teopllll 3 . l I e~; T~~~€~-~~€ l O t I l i O I . O U3a€lMOflefiCTflHrI U IIIJLI-MeCHhlX I:pMCTa.llJl:lS. nOKa3aH0, 'IT0 €3 Ii3y.ieJIJJhIX CPi CTeMBX CMna CBH311 II1)Il-MeClIOiI MOJIeEyJIbI C OCHOBHhIM ICPLICT~~IIJIOM OYeIII, MBJIZi. n I p P i IILICOICHX TCMneI)a-TypaX IIIApLlIIa 6eC~OHHOIIOfi JIIIHLII1 OIIpeAeJIHeTcR H OCIIOUHOM paMaHOBCKiIIM paccemiiicM r1)oiIoHoH pcmeTIm Ha rIpmecHoii Monepryae. I l p o m s e n e m O l l e I l l i a I I~M~I I~H I I H IIaeToT rropl\ianI,abIx Irone6airmii II[JU 4oTonepexone R IIpPiMeCHOfi MOJIeKyJIe I4 CTenCHM CMeUIMBaHHR Il~pMaJILllhIX IWJle6alIklfi H lia9:lJIhHOM COCTOF3-FIHH CLiCTeMhI. n O H a 3 a 1 1 0 , TITO 3TLI H e J I M q l l H b I 1Ma.llL-I. S' CTaHOBXeHo, IITO a H r a I l M O -I I~M KpHcTannririecKiix iione6amnl B ,,mwKnx" opraHmecms iCpiicTannax B oTnmiie OT ,,TBep~bix" H~O~~~I I M Y~C K M X ~q m c~a n~i o~ mrpaeT cyruecTBeIrnyIo POJIh II R 3H2ltIIITeJ1hHOi~ CTeneHIl Onpene.lIHC!T CBOBCTl321 6eC@~IlolIHhIS JIIlHRfi.