We investigate an ultracold and dilute Bose gas by taking into account a finite-range two-body interaction. The coupling constants of the resulting Lagrangian density are related to measurable scattering parameters by following the effective-field-theory approach. A perturbative scheme is then developed up to the Gaussian level, where both quantum and thermal fluctuations are crucially affected by finite-range corrections. In particular, the relation between spontaneous symmetry breaking and the onset of superfluidity is emphasized by recovering the renowned Landau's equation for the superfluid density in terms of the condensate one.resulting picture is only qualitative since, for instance, it does not even manage to capture the peculiar rotonic minimum of the excitation spectrum.In 1995, the experimental realization of a Bose-Einstein condensates [13] changed the scenario in a crucial way: for the first time, the predictions of the Bogoliubov theory [16] have been checked in actual weaklyinteracting quantum gases. At the same time, within a field-theory approach, it is possible to recover the Landau main results moving from a microscopic Lagrangian for ultracold atoms.The several successful theoretical studies based on the Bogoliubov framework move from the crucial assumption that the true atom-atom interaction can be replaced by a contact (i.e. zero-range) pseudopotential whose strength is given by the s-wave scattering length a s [17,18]. The resulting thermodynamics is universal since there is no dependence on the potential shape, with only a s playing a relevant role. The same point can be made for transport quantities as the superfluid fraction. Despite the many achievements of this strategy, current experiments deal with higher density setups, reduced dimensionalities and more complex interactions [19,20]. Thus, it is pressing to extend the usual two-body zero-range framework in order to capture more realistic and interesting experimental regimes. Within a functional integration formalism, atoms are represented by a bosonic field whose dynamics is governed by a microscopic interacting Lagrangian density. The coupling constants of the finite-range theory can be determined in terms of the s-wave scattering parameters, namely a s and the corresponding effective range r e . In [21][22][23][24], the finite-range thermodynamics is derived up to the Gaussian level for a three-dimensional uniform Bose gas, while the non-trivial case of two spatial dimensions is addressed in [25,26]. In figure 1 we report a visual summary of the major analytical approaches to modeling bosonic quantum gases.A similar analysis concerning the superfluid properties of a finite-range theory is still missing and it is the main subject of this work. By adopting a functional integration point of view as in [23,25], we are going to show that both condensate and superfluid depletion are modified by the finite-range character of the two-body interaction. Moreover, they are not independent from each other but the familiar Landau equation for t...