Relevance. He has a signifcant number of studies describing the morphological features of the placenta according to SDRP [4]. Various pathomorphological changes in the placenta tend to correlate with pregnancy outcomes. The study of the placental morphostructure in patients with NWRP allows us to fnd a pathophysiological explanation for the occurrence of this pathology, for choosing a rational strategy of antenatal observation during subsequent pregnancies because this complication may occur during the next pregnancy [1, 2]. At the same time, NWRP is a risk factor for the development of cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes mellitus, and obesity in adulthood. Multiple studies conducted in populations living in different territories, in different ethnic groups, have proved that the birth of children with SDRP increases the risk of pathological conditions in adulthood [3, 4]. In this regard, scientifc research on the NWRP is relevant.Purpose. To study the features of the somatic anamnesis of pregnant women, the course of the gestation process, childbirth, the condition of newborns, the morphological structure of the placenta of full-term infants with SDRP (main group – 200 pregnant women), in comparison with patients randomly selected who gave birth to children with normal body weight (comparison group – 200 pregnant women), observed and delivered in the Republic of Mordovia during from 2020–2021.Materials and methods. As the main research methods, the comparative method and the method of analysis are used in the article, which make it possible to establish causal relationships of phenomena and processes with the greatest accuracy. The research materials are data from sources [1–30].Results and conclusions. When analyzing the data obtained, it was reliably revealed that pregnant women whose gestational process was complicated by SDRP had a younger age, bad habits, socially signifcant diseases (HIV, tuberculosis, and syphilis).