Generally roots not only provide anchorage and support to plants but also help to absorb water and nutrients from the soil. The roots and shoots of plants including citrus are functionally separate but mutually dependent. The roots absorb water and mineral nutrients from the soil and transport to the areal parts including shoots and leaves. In return the shoots supply photosynthates to the roots. Presently the need of absorption of inorganic nutrients through plant leaves has
AbstractThe availability of essential nutrients in appropriate amount ensures the growth, productivity and quality for sustainable production of tree fruits including citrus. The essential mineral element below the critical level adversely affects growth and yield even other minerals are within optimum range. A balanced and continuous supply of the essential nutrients is a key for citrus growers to ensure pro fi tability. Soil application is recommended for most of the macronutrients such as N, P and K, as these are required in large quantities. However, the soil application leads to nutrient losses through runoff, leaching and fi xation. Therefore, the foliar application is considered as an attractive alternative to the soil application of essential nutrients. Particularly, the trace elements which are required in small quantity are preferably applied through the foliar sprays. Nutrients applied through the foliar spray are directly absorbed though leaves and have several positive attributes. Foliar application can reduce overall fertiliser application rate and energy use, improve nutrient uptake and reduce underground water pollution. The ef fi ciency of foliar application of nutrients can further be enhanced with the addition of surfactants or adjuvant into the spray solution. Surfactants can be classi fi ed into various groups on the basis of their composition such as cationic, anionic, non-ionic, zwitterionic or ampholytic. The surfactants are widely used in foliar application of both macro-and micronutrients. This chapter reviews the available information about the use of surfactants in the foliar application of mineral elements in citrus with special reference to nitrogen (N), calcium (Ca), iron (Fe), zinc (Zn), boron (B) or copper (Cu).