SUMMARY, The gastrointestinal absorption of zinc by haemodialysis pati~nts~as been investigated. Subnormal plasma zinc responses were observe~ID nme haemodialysis patients during oral tole~ance, tests. T.hese panents also had reduced leucocyte zinc concentrations which dId, not respond when :0 mg (0'77 mmol) of zinc was given daily by mouth for a period of~mo~ths,~hlte cell zinc concentrations measured in another group of to haemodlalY~ls patients were reduced initially, but rose to normal levels over 4 mon,ths w~en ZIDC wa~added, to the fluid used for dialysis, These data suggest that the, IDte~tl~al ab~ofJ~tlon of ZIDC was defective in the dialysis patients participating ID this tnvestigation.Patients with advanced renal failure often experience residual problems including .testicular dysfunction, abnormal tast~perce~tlo~and defective cell-mediated immumty despite mtensive treatment with dialysis. These features are similar to those seen in subjects with moderate zinc deficiency states, a fact that has during the last decade stimulated numerous trials of zinc supplementation to dialysis patients~ith, controversial results. I-HI To date, the majonty of authors have failed to consider specifically the aetiological mechanism or mechanisms which might give rise to this suspect~d~inc d~fici~ncy state in the subjects of then investigations, although this is clearly relevant both to the design of a trial of zinc administration, and to the interpretation of the resulting data.The purpose of this study was to evaluate one potential cause of zinc deficiency in h?emodialysis patients, zinc malabsofJ~tion" ThIs~as investigated in a group of dialysis patl,e~ts with zinc tolerance tests, and by determining the effects of long-term oral zinc administration on zinc concentrations in plasma and in blood leucocytes. These results have been compared with similar data obtained when a second group of patients was treated with intermit,tent haemodialysis using a specially prepared~Ialy sate containing controlled amounts of ZIDC,
398Subjects and methods
DIALYSIS PATIENTSTwo groups of haemodialysis patients were studied. Group I consisted of nine male patients who, consecutively, attended a nephrology clinic; these subjects participated in a trial of oral zinc treatment. Group II consisted of 10 men consecutively attending the same clinic who took part in a separate trial of dialytic zi~c supplementation, The ages of the men In groups I and II were 25-60 years and 25-58