INTRODUCTIONHow the Earth's atmosphere and ocean transitioned from their early, essentially anoxic state to our familiar oxygen-rich world remains controversial. It is well documented that an oxygenation event at ~2400 Ma (Ma: million years) established a persistently oxic atmosphere and surface ocean, but deep ocean chemistry remains uncertain through the remainder of the Proterozoic Eon (Kah and Bartley, 2011).Geologists long posited that the widespread disappearance of banded iron formation at ~1800 Ma reflects oxygenation of the deep ocean (Holland, 1984); however, Canfield (1998) proposed that under relatively low atmospheric O 2 , the deep ocean would remain anoxic and indeed become euxinic, reflecting increased rates of bacterial sulfate reduction at depth. The nature of subsurface ocean chemistry is critical to our understanding of Earth surface history and biological evolution. noting that oscillations between ferruginous and euxinic conditions in basinal strata track sedimentary total organic carbon contents, which suggests that euxinia is most likely to develop when organic carbon delivery exceeds the delivery of electron acceptors that outcompete sulfate (e.g. nitrate, ferric iron; see also Planavsky et al., 2011;Sperling et al., 2013). Adding to this emerging heterogeneity, data from mineral assemblages suggest that despite widespread anoxia in oxygen minimum zones, dysoxia (oxygen present but at low levels) apparently persisted in the deepest parts of at least some mid-Proterozoic oceans (Slack et al., 2007; Chandler, 1992), we also document the composition of microfossils preserved in basinal Arlan shales. These data are then placed in the context of information from other basins to examine redox heterogeneity in Mesoproterozoic oceans.
Geology of the Ural Mountains and Volgo-Ural regionFor many years, Russian geologists discussed Meso-and early Neoproterozoic stratigraphy in terms of a Riphean stratotype located in the Bashkirian meganticlinorium, a large structure on the western slope of the southern Ural Mountains (Chumakov and Semikhatov, 1981; Keller and Chumakov, 1983). In the southern Urals, the lower (Fig. 1B).In the Volgo-Ural region to the west, sub-surface Riphean stratigraphy is known from core and geophysical data. According to new geological and geophysical data the correlative stratigraphy to the Burzyan Group in this region, the Kyrpy Group, is subdivided into the Sarapul, Prikamskii and Or'ebash subgroups, and its base has not been penetrated by drilling (Kozlov et al., 2009. The A perennial question in pre-Mesozoic paleoceanography concerns the water-depth of sediments deposited beneath storm wave-base --these basinal strata are almost 7 certainly not 'deep' in the oceanographic sense of an average ocean depth of four kilometers. While the only hard constraint on these strata is that they were deposited in water depths persistently greater than ~150 meters (as indicated by the lack of wavegenerated sedimentary structures), such strata are generally con...