“…During the Late Triassic to Late Jurassic, the SLT was influenced by northward subduction of the Neo-Tethyan slab and subsequent slab rollback of Neo-Tethyan slab, forming the Bima Formation, Xiongcun Formation; Yeba Formation; Jiacha adakitic rocks (202-179 Ma;Shui et al, 2018), and Ruocuo adakitic rocks (182-170 Ma;Wang, Lang, Tang, Deng, & Cui, 2019;Lang, Liu, et al, 2019;Lang et al, 2020;Liu et al, 2018;Ma, Meert, Xu, & Zhao, 2019;Pan et al, 2012;Wang, Ding, Liu, Zhang, & Yue, 2017;Zhu, Pan, et al, 2008; Zhu, Zhang, F I G U R E 1 (a) Tectonic outline of the Lhasa Terrane showing the study area (modified after Zhu et al, 2011); (b) Simplified geological map showing the time-space distributions of Mesozoic igneous rocks (after Zhu et al, 2013); (c) Simplified geological map of the Cuocun area (modified after Lang et al, 2014). Data sources: ages of Cretaceous magmatic rocks in the Lhasa Terrane are from Schärer, Xu, and Allègre (1984), McDermid, Aitchison, Davis, Harrison, and Grove (2002), , Wen, Liu, et al (2008, Zhou et al (2008), Ji et al (2009Ji et al ( , 2014, , Zhu, Mo, et al, 2009, Zhu et al (2011, Bedard et al (2009), Guillaume, Martinod, and Espurt (2009), Meng et al (2010), Zhang et al (2010), Liang, Wei, Xu, Hu, and Charllote (2010), Guan et al (2010), Guo (2011), , , , Ma et al (2015Ma et al ( , 2013c, Zhang, Liu, Wu, Ji, and Wang (2014), Chen et al (2014), Jiang et al (2015), Ye et al (2015), …”