The stability of RNA is a critical factor in determining its functionality and degradation in the cell. In recent years, it has been shown that the stability of RNA depends on a complex interaction of external and internal factors. External conditions, such as temperature fluctuations, the level of acidity of the environment, the presence of various substances and ions, as well as the effects of oxidative stress, can change the structure of RNA and affect its stability. Internal factors, including the specific structural features of RNA and its interactions with protein molecules, also have a significant impact on the regulation of the stability of these molecules. In this article, we review the main factors influencing RNA stability, since understanding the factors influencing this extremely complex process is important not only for understanding the regulation of expression at the RNA level but also for developing new methods for isolating and stabilizing RNA in preparation for creating biobanks of genetic material. We reviewed a modern solution to this problem and formulated basic recommendations for RNA storage aimed at minimizing degradation and damage to the molecule.