We have fabricated ZnInON (ZION), which is a pseudo-binary alloy of wurtzite ZnO and wurtzite InN and has a tunable band gap over the entire visible spectrum and a high optical absorption coefficient of 105 cm-1. ZION films grow two dimensionally at Ts = room temperature (RT) and 150°C, whereas they grow three dimensionally at Ts = 250 and 450°C. These films at RT and 150°C show a step-terrace structure with the step height of 0.27 nm, which corresponds to the height of a single-atomic-layer step and the half length of the c-lattice parameter of ZION. ZION film has the same a-lattice parameter of 0.325 nm as ZnO and a longer c-lattice parameter of 0.536 nm, indicating the coherent growth of ZION films on ZnO templates. ZION film grown at RT shows blue (2.89 and 3.08 eV) photoluminescence at RT.