Periportal and perivenous hepatocytes possess different amounts and activities
of the rate-generating enzymes of carbohydrate and oxidative energy metabolism and thus
different metabolic capacities. This is the basis of the model of metabolic zonation, according
to which periportal cells catalyze predominantly the oxidative catabolism of fatty and
amino acids as well as glucose release and glycogen formation via gluconeogenesis, and
perivenous cells carry out preferentially glucose uptake for glycogen synthesis and glycolysis
coupled to liponeogenesis. The input of humoral and nervous signals into the periportal and
perivenous zones is different; gradients of oxygen, substrates and products, hormones and
mediators and nerve densities exist which are important not only for the short-term regulation
of carbohydrate metabolism but also for the long-term regulation of zonal gene expression.
The specialization of periportal and perivenous hepatocytes in carbohydrate metabolism
has been well characterized. In vivo evidence is provided by the complex metabolic
situation termed the ‘glucose paradox’ and by zonal flux differences calculated on the basis of
the distribution of enzymes and metabolites. In vitro evidence is given by the different flux
rates determined with classical invasive techniques, e.g. in periportal-like and perivenouslike
hepatocytes in cell culture, in periportal- and perivenous-enriched hepatocyte populations
and in perfused livers during orthograde and retrograde flow, as well as with noninvasive
techniques using miniature oxygen electrodes, e.g. in livers perfused in either direction.
Differences of opinion in the interpretation of studies with invasive and noninvasive techniques
by the authors are discussed. The declining gradient in oxygen concentrations, the
decreasing glucagon/insulin ratio and the different innervation could be important factors in
the zonal expression of the genes of carbohydrate-metabolizing enzymes. While it is clear
that the hepatocytes sense the glucagon/insulin gradients via the respective hormone receptors,
it is not known how they sense different oxygen tensions; the O(2) sensor may be an
oxygen-binding heme protein. The zonal separation of glucose release and uptake appears to be important for the liver to operate as a ‘glucostat’. Thus, zonation of carbohydrate metabolism
develops gradually during the first weeks of life, in part before and in part with weaning,
when (in rat and mouse) the fat- and protein-rich but carbohydrate-poor nutrition via
milk is replaced by carbohydrate-rich food. Similarly, zonation of carbohydrate metabolism
adapts to longer lasting alterations in the need of a ‘glucostat’, such as starvation, diabetes,
portocaval anastomoses or partial hepatectomy.