Volcanic complexes in Japan such as Kusatsu Shirane, Honshu, and Kuju‐Hatchobaru and Kirishima, Kyushu, host active magmatic–hydrothermal systems that are several kilometers in diameter and typically asymmetric to the intrusive center. Their heat flow is driven by multiple intrusions at <5–10 km depth over a period on the order of ~105 years. These hydrothermal systems consist of advecting fluids of magmatic origin (either vapor with acidic components condensed into meteoric water, or a subsequent liquid of varying reactivity) that interact with convecting meteoric water. The amount of the magmatic component depends on location relative to the intrusive center, local controls on permeability, and the temporal evolution of the intrusions. The proportion of meteoric water diluent typically increases from proximal to distal locations (over several kilometer distance), and with time after intrusion (> several thousands of years). Some of the neutral pH solutions in these large hydrothermal systems, up to ~5 km from volcanic vents, support geothermal energy developments, with strong structural control on fluid flow. Near active volcanic vents, the magmatic vapor component of hydrothermal systems can form acidic condensates (pH ~ 1.5) that are responsible for strong alteration of the host rock. The resulting residual quartz and advanced argillic minerals are typical of shallow‐formed lithocap alteration that is associated with deeper porphyry copper deposits in similar arc‐hosted volcanic settings. Around the world, this near‐surface lithocap alteration, influenced by structures as well as lithology, may be barren in metals, even where associated with mineralized porphyry intrusions at depth. Such intrusion‐proximal alteration is widespread in both active and extinct settings in Japan. In addition, distal geothermal hot springs typically have a magmatic water component, albeit minor, with a pH that varies from ~3 to near‐neutral; deep alteration intersected in drill holes is characterized by alunite–dickite–pyrophyllite or chlorite–wairakite, respectively. These alteration assemblages are typical of their extinct equivalents, intermediate sulfidation epithermal veins, with mineralogical complexities caused by temporal evolution as well as spatial variation (e.g. along different structures). Such active and extinct magmatic–hydrothermal systems signify the presence of shallow degassing or degassed intrusions, respectively. Where similar intrusions in volcanic arcs around the world are eroded to ~1 to 2 km depth, the tops of porphyry copper deposits are commonly exposed, marked by a transition of white mica upward to pyrophyllite‐dominant alteration. Active magmatic–hydrothermal systems on the flanks of arc volcanoes in Japan are dynamic – both cycling as well as evolving – and share characteristics with extinct systems that host epithermal and porphyry ore deposits.