Êëþ÷îâ³ ñëîâà: ëèòòÿ ìåòîäîì âàêóóìíîãî âñìîêòóâàííÿ, ôàçà Ëàâåñà, ì³êðîñòðóêòóðà, äîåâòåêòè÷íèé ñïëàâ NiAl/Cr(Mo,W), ìåõàí³÷í³ âëàñòèâîñò³.
Introduction.Recently, Ni-based intermetallic compounds have been paid much attention, due to its high melting point, special interfacial chemical properties, and good environment tolerance [1][2][3]. As a kind of intermetallic compound, NiAl owns many attractive advantages such as high melting point, excellent oxidation and corrosion resistance, relative low density, good thermal conductivity etc [4][5][6]. Therefore, it has been thought as the potential candidate for high temperature structure materials subjected to the severe oxidation and corrosion [7,8]. According to previous researches [9,10], NiAl has