In ranges with negative moments, crack formation influences the structural behavior of statically indeterminate composite beams under service conditions. Composite beams with partial-depth precast concrete units show some particularities, which cannot be described accurately using the established methods of calculation. This article presents methods of calculation, which can be used to cover the specific structural behavior and describe crack formation, crack widths and deformations realistically. K E Y W O R D S bridge engineering, composite beams, composite constructions, crack widths, partial-depth precast concrete units 1 | INTRODUCTION Employing precast reinforced concrete components in composite beams helps to take advantage of the benefits of prefabrication in composite construction. The construction time can be reduced, whilst quality and material properties can be enhanced, due to the production in the factory, the splitting of construction processes and the elimination of formwork. These measures cut construction costs. The fields of application are both in building construction and bridge engineering. Over several decades, structural engineers have gathered experiences with the use of precast concrete units in composite beams. Various construction methods have been developed, which can be classified according to the type and the timing of the composite, but above all according to the type of precast units. The most established constructions are • composite beams with partial-depth precast concrete units (TFT), in which the compound between the partial-depth precast concrete units and the steel beam is produced subsequently by adding in-situ concrete as top concrete, • composite precast beams, in which the slab is partially covered with concrete in the factory resulting in an instant compound, and • composite beams consisting of full-depth precast concrete units (GFT), in which the fully precast unit and the steel beam are bonded by in-situ concrete in the relatively wide longitudinal joints. Continuous systems and frameworks show tensile stress in the chord of the composite beam, usually resulting in crack formation.Within the scope of the design, this issue is to be addressed directly by means of structural analysis of the limit values for crack widths as well as indirectly through numerical simulation of deformations and sectional forces. In the case of conventional composite beams comprising pure in-situ concrete slabs, the concrete behavior under tensile load has been sufficiently documented for decades and can easily be mapped. The crack behavior of precast composite beams differs in key aspects from conventional composite beams, mainly because of the transverse joints. Therefore, the crack behavior cannot be accurately described using standard calculation models. Hence, it is currently impossible to decide whether the simplified calculation method can be applied to these components.