“…Pressure drop data for viscoelastic fluids in a straight-wall tube have been shown by many authors t o follow the Hagen-Poiseuille law provided that a generalized Reynolds number is employed which incorporates the power-law parameters m and n (equation under some conditions in the wavy-wall tube, the results of 33.1 on Newtonian fluids suggest that these effects should be manifested by systematic deviations from the power-law fluid correlation. Experimental observations of flow of polymer solutions through a tube with abrupt alternate expansions and contractions by Michele (1977), of flow through several periodic tube geometries by Franzen (1979), and of flow through granular beds, packed beds and bundles of capillary tubes by Marshall & Metzner (1967), Savins (1969), James & McLaren (1975) and Elata et al (1977), suggest that departures (sometimes dramatic) from a linear relationship between f and Re, which takes into account shear-thinning of the fluid and the physical structure of the porous matrix, occur when the characteristic relaxation time of thc fluid is comparable to the characteristic convective time ; then, apparently, dynamics of the flow are governed, in part, by the elastic response of the fluid. A convenient measure of the intrinsic relaxation time for the fluid relative to the characteristic timescale for Lagrangian unsteady flow is the Deborah number.…”