Trichomes and their distribution patterns have been observed in the aerial parts of plants of the genera Striga, Buchnera, Rhamphicarpa, Euphrasia, Melampyrum and Rhinanthus, using both light (LM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). All trichomes belong to the multicellular, uniseriate category and can be classified as glandular and nonglandular types. On nearly all organs, the two types can be observed side by side. Apart from a large group of ubiquitous trichomes, some characteristic trichome types are reported; they are restricted either to chlorophyllous organs (foliage leaves, bracts, calyx and stem) or to the corolla, In some nonglandular trichomes minerai deposits have been found. Other morphological and anatomical trichome features are discussed with regard to their possible function.