“…The solution was allowed to stand at room temperature. After two days, colorless crystals were collected and dried in vacuo (28 mg): mp 256-258°; ir (nujol) v max 1600 (aromatic C=C), 1495, 1405,1280,1235, 1195,1165,1140,1105, 1080, 1035 (C-O-C), 1015, 970, 940, 890, 860, 845, 820 cm™1; 'Hand 13C-nmr data (CDC13), see Table 1; 13H nmr (80 MHz, DMSO-¿6) 2.98 (3H, s, NMe), 2.36,3.67 (3H each, 2 X s, 2 XOMe), 6.21,6.24 (2H, OCH20), 6.41 (1H, s, H-6), 6.98-7.86 (6H, m, aromatic H); eims m/z [ -1]* 711 (0.3), 682 (0.1), 681 (0.4), 666 (0.2), 665 (0.5), 578 (0.07), 522 (0.1), 478 (0.1), 382 (0.3), 380 (1.3), 364 (3), 348 (100), 333 (66), 318(13), 304 (5), 290 (31), 275 (7), 232 (7), 217 (6), 188 (6), 166 (6); cims (positive-ion) m/z [M +1]+ 713(0.9), 433 (0.7), 378 (6), 362 (9), 350 (64), 348 (100), 333 (25); cims (negative-ion) m/z [M-H]~711 From the mother liquor, 33 mg of an unidentified substance with a mp of 111-113°c rystallized.…”