Arrest is a protection measure used in order to reveal the material truthin criminal proceedings, and directly limits the freedom of the person. Forarrest, a reason must be found in the concrete incident, together with a strongsuspicion of crime. In the catalog crimes in paragraph 3 of Article 112 of theGerman Criminal Procedure Code, arrest can be decided even if there is noreason for arrest. The legislator removes the obligation to prove reasons forarrest. Instead of the dangerousness of the suspect, the dangerousness of thecrime is considered sufficient. It is not necessary to concretize the reasons forarrest, which is accepted as the guarantee of the freedom of the person, in thedecision of arrest. A strong suspicion of committing catalog crimes is acceptedas a presumption of the reasons for the arrest. Although there are opinions infavor of it, catalog crime regulation in arrest may harm the freedom of theperson, the arbitrariness of the arrest, the purpose and functioning of thecriminal procedure, the impartiality of the decision makers, the obligation toexplain the reason and the presumption of innocence.