The dehydration and recycling of industrial solvents often requires complex processes due to
azeotropes and pronounced pinch-points. Combined processes consisting of distillation and
pervaporation/vapor permeation might overcome these thermodynamic limitations and offer
economically attractive alternatives by simplifying process structure, reducing energy consumption, and avoiding entrainers. The technical and economical feasibility of organic solvent
dehydration by pervaporation and vapor permeation with inorganic membranes was evaluated.
A survey of the process industry revealed the most attractive applications. The separation of
2-propanol and water was studied in detail. For all process calculations the commercial software
Aspen Plus was used. Compatible Fortran routines were developed to incorporate membrane
units into the program. Different process configurations to integrate pervaporation and vapor
permeation with distillation are compared to conventional separation by extractive distillation.
A hybrid process design should take advantage of the specific benefits of both separation methods.
Often, savings in energy consumption of up to 85% are possible. Investment and operation costs
can be reduced by more than 40% in comparison to conventional processes. The most attractive
design is distillation and further purification of the top stream by a membrane unit. Here, the
economical benefits increase from adiabatic pervaporation over isothermal pervaporation to vapor
permeation. A sensitivity analysis of various parameters affecting the operating costs of the
plant was carried out.