A nine-month-old golden retriever bitch was presented with exercise intolerance and recurrent nasal discharge. Based on clinical, radiographic and ultrasonographic examination, a diagnosis of rhinitis, situs inversus totalis and tricuspid valve insufficiency was established. The results of video- and electron microscopy studies of the respiratory epithelium were compatible with primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD). However, no evidence of a primary ultrastructural defect of the cilia was found. The dog was euthanased because of the poor prognosis. At necropsy, a hydrocephalus internus and a subaortic stenosis were additionally diagnosed. PCD, in combination with situs inversus, has been previously reported in golden retrievers, but without a concomitant hydrocephalus internus. Furthermore, concomitant occurrence of internal cardiac malformation and PCD has not previously been reported in the dog.