New data from the Berchtesgaden Alps result in a reconstruction of the Mesozoic-Cenozoic geodynamic history of the Northern Calcareous Alps. The closure of the western part of the Neotethys Ocean started in the late Early Jurassic and is evidenced by the onset of thick clayrich sediments in the outer shelf area (=Hallstatt realm). The Middle to early Late Jurassic contraction is documented by the migration of trench-like basins formed in front of a propagating thrust belt. Due to ophiolite obduction, these basins propagated from the outer shelf area, forming there the Bajocian to Oxfordian Hallstatt Mélange, to the Hauptdolomit/Dachstein platform area, where the Oxfordian Rofan and Tauglboden Mélanges were formed. The basins were separated by nappe fronts forming structural highs. This scenario mirrors syn-orogenic erosion and deposition in an evolving thrust belt. Active basin formation and nappe thrusting ended around the Oxfordian/Kimmeridgian boundary, which was followed by the onset of carbonate platforms on structural highs prograding towards the former basins in latest Oxfordian to Early Tithonian time. UnderWlled basins remained between the platforms. Rapid deepening around the Early/Late Tithonian boundary was induced by extension due to mountain uplift and resulted in the reconWguration of the platforms and basins related to normal and probably strike-slip faults. Erosion of the uplifted nappe stack including obducted ophiolites caused Wnal drowning and demise of the platforms in the Berriasian. The remaining Early Cretaceous basins were Wlled up with molasse sediments including siliciclastics until Aptian. Around the Early/Late Cretaceous boundary again extension and strike-slip movements started, followed by Eocene thrusting and Miocene strike-slip movements with block rotations. These younger tectonic movements destroyed the Triassic to Early Cretaceous palaeogeography and arranged the modern block conWguration. The described Jurassic to Early Cretaceous history corresponds with that of the Western Carpathians, the Dinarides, and the Albanides, where (1) age dating of the metamorphic soles prove late Early to Middle Jurassic inneroceanic thrusting followed by late Middle to early Late Jurassic ophiolite obduction, (2) Kimmeridgian to Tithonian shallow-water platforms formed on top of the obducted ophiolites, and (3) latest Jurassic to Early Cretaceous sediments show postorogenic character. Therefore, we correlate the Jurassic geodynamic evolution of the Northern Calcareous Alps with the closure of the western part of the Neotethys Ocean.