Radioactivité des particules lourdes Fission spontané Fission froide binaireWithin the framework of the Coulomb and proximity potential model (CPPM), we studied the cold binary fission of even-even 230-250 U isotopes using the two versions of the nuclear proximity potential, Proximity 1977 and Proximity 2000. The most favorable binary fission path is the one that has a high Q value and a minimum driving potential with respect to the mass and charge asymmetries. A nucleus with doubly-closed shell or near doublyclosed shell always appears as the heaviest nucleus in the favored channel of the binary fission of all the mentioned isotopes. For the 230,232,234 U isotopes, the highest yield was predicted for the isotope of Pb (Z = 82) as one fragment, whereas for the 236 U isotope, fragmentation with the isotope of Hg (Z = 80) as one fragment possesses the highest yield. For the 238 U isotope, fragmentation with the isotope of Pt (Z = 78, N = 126) as one fragment possesses the highest yield. In the case of the 240,242,244,246,248,250 U isotopes, the highest yield is for the fragmentation with Sn (Z = 50) as one fragment. It was found that asymmetric splitting is superior for U isotopes with mass number A ≤ 238 and symmetric splitting is superior for U isotopes with A ≥ 240. The computed penetrability and half-lives using the two different proximity potentials for the cold binary fission of 230-250 U isotopes were compared with the available experimental data collected from Holden et al. [Pure Appl. Chem. 72 (2000) 1525]. The two results were found to be in agreement with each other.