Substances that come from nutrients, to combat inflammation and the crawling infection might be a proper approach to treat The quest of remedy for neurodegenerative diseases is already more than a century old. It is unclear, applying the moist sophisticated ultramodern methods and equipment, what is in fact going on in the human brain when this curse hits. However, Nowadays the perception is that gut microbiome penetrates the brain via the "Gut-Brain" axis. Either by using nerves or through the bloodstream by moving from a leaky gut to a damaged blood-brain barrier. Moreover, when in the brain, causing inflammation and subsequent infection, that moves in the brain in a prion-like a mechanism, from one cell to its neighbor until interoception (death) is reached.The eradication of bacteria antimicrobial peptide surrogates in synergy with antioxidants, neurodegeneration at its early stages.Like other parts of our body, the brain is home to bacteria, viruses and fungus, such as yeast and larger parasites such as amoebas.This changes the clinical landscape of many conditions, including autism, neurodegenerative disease such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's and chronic inflammatory response syndromes (CIRS). It also forces us to consider the 'mind', 'self', and 'agency' blurring the lines between science and philosophy.