The potencies and etticacies of seven agonists at chick ccf nicotinic receptors expressed in donut oacytes were detrains by whole cell rmrding. (+f-Anatoxin-a was the most potent agonist (EC, = 0.58 @vi) and a~tylcholine was the least potent (EC,, = 320 PM). The rank order of agonist potencies was: (+)-anatoxin-a >:, cytisine > (-)-nicotine > (+)-nicotine t DMPP Z 1-acetyl-4-methylpiperazine methiodide > acetylcholine. DMPP evoked only very small currents: comparison of maximally effective agonist concentrations showed that DMPP was only one-fifth as efficacious as other agonists. Previously published IC,, values for rat brain ['251]a-bungarotoxin sites show a similar agonist profile, and the identity of bomo-oligome~c a7 receptors with native ~-bungarotoxin-sensitive neuronal nicotinic receptors is discussed.Neuronal nicotinic receptor; Nicotinic agonist; (+)-Anatoxin-a; Nicotine; ~-B~~arotoxin~ Xenapm oocyteThe a7 nicotinic acetyl~holine receptor (nAChR) subunit is unique among vertebrate nAChR subunits characterised so far in its ability to form robust homo-oligomeric channels when expressed in Xenopus oocytes [1,2]. The expressed a7 channels respond to acetylGholine (ACh) and nicotine, desensitise very rapidly and are sensitive to ~"bungarotoxin (aBgt), curare and dihydro-~-erythroi~~e [ 1,3]. Antibodies raised against bacterially-expressed a7 gene product indicate that at least 90% of ~Bgt-bin~ng proteins in the chick brain contain this subunit [4,5]. Until the cloning and characterisation of the ~27 cDNA, the rela~onship between brain olBgt binding sites and nAChR was ambiguous [6]: although olBgt binding sites have a clear nicotinic profile in binding assays [7], the failure of clBgt to antagonise the majority of centrally-mediated nicotinic responses raised questions about the function of these proteins. More recent studies on autonomic neurons [8,9] have revealed that aBgt-sensitive nAChR are functional but their activity is eclipsed by the dominant nAChR subtype mediating conventional synaptic transmission. In the CNS, it is not known if aBgt-sensitive nAChR perform the same fictions as in autonomic neurons. However, IBM-sensitive channds have been demonstrated by ~t~h~larnp analysis of cultured hippocampal neurons [l&l 1,121. These channels show the rapid desensitisation characteristic of a7 nAChR. Thus there is good evidence that a7 subunits cantribute to neuronal clBgt-sensitive nAChR. What is not known is whether other subunits are present in the native protein. Protein chemistry has suggested between 1 and 4 subunits in the ~Bgt-binding protein [I 3,141 and antibody studies have indicated that some 20% of a7-containing nAChR in chick brain also contain the related a8 subunit [5]. One approach to the comparison of a7 and native aBgt binding sites is to compare their pha~a~ological specificities and sensitivies. bed-rigid agonists, stereoisomers and structural analogues can be particularly discriminating. Here we have examined the effects of seven agonists on a7 nAChR expressed in Xe~~opus oocytes, ...