Dedicated to Professor Rolf Huisgen on the occasion of his 85th birthday "Carbanions", more precisely organometallic compounds, are among the most important reagents in organic synthesis. [1][2][3] Gas-phase experimental [4] and theoretical [5] investigations have contributed much to our knowledge of how the basicity and stability of carbanions CH 2 X À depend intrinsically, that is, in the absence of solvent and counterions, on their structure, in particular, on the nature of the a-substituent X. Thus, it has been established that third-and higher-period substituents X (e.g., Cl, SH) substantially decrease the proton affinity (PA) of CH 2 X À , whereas second-row substituents (e.g., F, OH) are significantly less effective in reducing the basicity of these species. This follows from the trend in the energy change DE isod (X) associated with the isodesmic reaction in Equation (1) of the proton transfer from CH 3 X to CH 3 À .This reaction energy is equal to the difference in the proton affinities of CH 3 À and CH 2 X À [Eq. (2)].It becomes some 10-20 kcal mol À1 more exothermic if one goes from second-to higher-period substituents X, which implies that the basicity of CH 2 X À , as measured by the proton affinity PA(CH 2 X À ), decreases. The common explanation is that, compared to substituents of the second period, thirdand higher-period substituents stabilize the carbanion more effectively, that is, the strength of their CÀX bond leads to more stabilization. This has been ascribed to the fact that