In acute experiments on rats of different ages (21, 30, 42, and 70 days), the ot~-adrenoblocker prazosin increased the heart rate (HR), and the [3-blocker propranolol (Obsidan) infused after prazosin reduced this parameter. Prazosin decreased both stroke volume and cardiac output, blockade of 13-adrenoceptors further decreased these parameters. It is concluded that both ot~-and [3-adrenoceptors are involved in the sympathetic regulation of cardiac output in developing animals.Key Words: at 1-and ~-adrenoceptors; prazosin; stroke volume; developing rats; heart rate Adrenergic regulation of chronotropic and contractile cardiac functions is known to be mediated by c~-and 13-adrenoceptors (AR) [4,6,9]. Atrial and ventricular cardiomyocytes in rats express different al-AR subtypes [10][11][12]16]. In rat heart, the positive inotropic effect of epinephrine is realized primarily via a~B-AR through modulation intracellular Ca 2+ concentration [12]. The ratio for A and B subtypes of a~-AR in rat heart is 20:80 [ 15]. Sustained positive inotropic effects of o~l-agonists on the atria and ventricles in rat heart are mediated by activation of both otI-AR subtypes of [15]. Several studies investigated the role of [3-AR in the regulation of stroke volume (SV), cardiac output (CO) and heart rate (HR) in the developing organism [1,2,4,5]. At the same time, the role of ot~-AR in in vivo regulation remained little studied and was the subject of our study.
MATERIALS AND METHODSExperiments were carried out on outbred albino rats at the age of 21, 30, 42, and 70 days. Stroke volume was measured by a modified technique of tetrapolar chest rheography [1,3,8]. Differential rheogram was recorded by an RPG-204 apparatus in animals ariesKasan' State Pedagogical University; Kasan State Agricultural Academy thetized with Nembutal (40 mg/kg) under conditions of natural ventilation. Cardiac output was calculated from SV and HR. Prazosin (10 -7 tool/liter) in a dose of 0.17 mg/100 g and propranol (Obsidan, 0.1% solution) in a dose of 0.8 rag/100 g were used. The drugs were infused through a catheter into the jugular vein. The second drug was administered after the changes in HR induced by the first preparation attained the maximum.In series I, AR were blocked first with propranolol and then with prazosin; in series II the order of infusions was inverted.The data were analyzed statistically using Student's t test.