1Under normal experimental conditions, the rabbit isolated distal saphenous artery appears to contain a homogeneous population of postjunctional ae-adrenoceptors. Prazosin 4 The responses to NA, after the protection protocol, in the presence of All, were susceptible to the selective a2-adrenoceptor antagonist, rauwolscine (1 M), but resistant to the selective a,-adrenoceptor antagonist prazosin (0.1 pM). Furthermore, the combination of rauwolscine (1 M) and prazosin (0.1 IpM) was no more effective in blocking responses to NA than was rauwolscine (1 pM) alone. These results are consistent with the presence of a homogeneous population of postjunctional oc2-adrenoceptors. 5 Inducing a small degree of tone with a low concentration of the selective ac-adrenoceptor agonist, phenylephrine, markedly increased the threshold sensitivity to the selective a2-adrenoceptor agonist UK-14304, in a manner analogous to that seen with All. 6 The results in the present study indicate that responses mediated via postjunctional a2-adrenoceptors in the rabbit isolated distal saphenous artery are dependent upon a degree of vascular smooth muscle stimulation by some other receptor system. It is hypothesized that under normal experimental conditions, this function is fulfilled by stimulation of al-adrenoceptors, while after ax-adrenoceptor blockade the necessary positive influence can be provided by stimulation of All receptors. The implications for such an interaction between postjunctional a-adrenoceptor subtypes in demonstrating prazosin-resistant, rauwolscine-or yohimbine-sensitive responses in isolated blood vessels is discussed.