“…T is triangular α-admissible;Various Contractions in Generalized Metric Space 123 3. there existsx 0 ∈ X such that α(x 0 , T x 0 ) ≥ 1 and α(x 0 , T 2 x 0 ) ≥ 1; 4. T is continuous.Then T has a fixed point x * in X and {T n x 0 } converges to x * .Asadi et al[39] also introduced the notion of generalized α − ψ Geraghty contraction, which is stronger version of α − ψ Geraghty contraction: Definition 1.45. Let (X, d) be a generalized metric space, and let α : X × X → R be a function.A map T : X → X is called generalized α − ψ-Geraghty contraction mapping if there exists Geraghty function β such that for all x, y ∈ X,α(x, y)ψ(d(T x, T y)) ≤ β(ψ(M (x, y)))ψ(M (x, y)), where M (x, y) = max{d(x, y), d(x, T x), d(y, T y)} and ψ ∈ Ψ.Theorem 1.46.…”