3 Cumulative work was significantly reduced by ICI-118551 (6.4%, P = 0.04) and by propranolol (12.4%, P < 0.01), whereas the reduction with atenolol (5.6%) did not reach statistical significance. 4 Atenolol and propranolol reduced peak heart rate by 23% and 29%, and peak systolic blood pressure by 9% and 11% respectively during maximal exercise. ICI-118551 caused a non-significant reduction in heart rate during submaximal exercise, with a significant reduction at maximum exercise (6% reduction), whereas systolic blood pressure was not different from placebo. Diastolic blood pressures were similar across all treatment regimens. 5 Similar glucose concentrations were obtained at baseline and at exhaustion during all treatment regimens. Lactate concentrations were comparable for any given exercise intensity irrespective of treatment regimens. Propranolol reduced lactate concentrations from the exercising muscles at maximum exercise in proportion to the reduction of maximal exercise capacity.6 The subjective perception of fatigue was not affected by either 13l-or P2-adrenoceptor blockade.7 In a separate study, the effects of selective P2-adrenoceptor stimulation (terbutaline) in resting men on heart rate, systolic blood pressure, serum potassium and glucose were completely blocked by the doses of ICI-118551 used in the exercise study.8 We conclude that both ,l-and ,32-adrenoceptors are of importance for maximal short term exercise performance in healthy young men. The decisive mechanism for the reduction in exercise performance during ,-adrenoceptor blockade is unclear.The present study suggests that other mechanisms than haemodynamic and metabolic factors are of importance. The lack of effect of selective ,32-adrenoceptor antagonists on serum potassium at rest and during exercise, and the finding that the rate of decline in the potassium concentrations after exhaustion was independent of treatment regimens, suggests that ,3-adrenoceptors are of minor importance for potassium release or reuptake in the exercising muscle.