We present a method to calculate spectroscopic properties of odd-odd nuclei within the framework of the Interacting Boson-Fermion-Fermion Model based on the Gogny energy density functional. The (β, γ)-deformation energy surface of the even-even (boson-)core nucleus, spherical single-particle energies and occupation probabilities of the odd neutron and odd proton, are provided by the constrained self-consistent mean-field calculation within the Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov method with the Gogny-D1M functional. These quantities are used as a microscopic input to fix most of the parameters of the IBFFM Hamiltonian. Only a few coupling constants for the boson-fermion Hamiltonian and the residual neutron-proton interaction are specifically adjusted to reproduce experimental low-energy spectra in odd-mass and odd-odd nuclei, respectively. In this way, the number of free parameters involved in the IBFFM framework is reduced significantly. The method is successfully applied to the description of the low-energy spectra and electromagnetic transition rates in the odd-odd 194,196,198 Au nuclei.