The comparative in vitro activity of amoxicillin alone and in combination with clavulanic acid against 15 isolates of Mycobacterium tuberculosis was evaluated by broth dilution susceptibility testing. Amoxicillin inhibited 4 of 15 isolates at 8 ,ug/ml or less but was not bactericidal against any of the isolates at that concentration. Amoxicillin in combination with clavulanic acid was bactericidal for 14 of 15 isolates tested at an amoxicillin concentration of 4 ,ug/ml or less and a clavulanic acid concentration of 2 ,ug/ml or less.Mycobacterium tuberculosis produces a constitutive, intracellular ,-lactamase which has activity as both a penicillinase and a cephalosporinase (3). This enzyme appears to have a role in determining the resistance of M. tuberculosis to P-lactamase-labile P-lactams (2 (strains 1268, 1540, 1560, 1578, 1694, 1789, and 1790).The strains of M. tuberculosis were tested for P-lactamase activity with nitrocefin (provided by Glaxo Research, Greenford, Middlesex, United Kingdom) as described in a previous paper (1) except that the culture medium was 7H10 broth. All of the strains of M. tuberculosis used in this study had P-lactamase activity.The antimicrobial agents evaluated in this study were provided as standard powders as follows: amoxicillin (potency 860 ,ug/mg) and potassium clavulanate (potency, 826 jig/mg) (Beecham Laboratories, Bristol, Tenn.). Stock solutions of each antimicrobial agent were prepared immediately before use by hydrating a known weight of drug in Middlebrook and Cohn 7H10 broth (5) with Middlebrook OADC Enrichment (Difco Laboratories, Detroit, Mich.) and 0.05% Tween 80, followed by filter sterilization through a GA-6 0.45-,um membrane filter (Gelman Sciences, Inc., Ann Arbor, Mich.). < The mycobacteria were grown in 7H10 broth at 37°C on a rotary shaker and subcultured 3 days before use. The cultures were diluted in 7H10 broth to yield 5 Klett units per ml (KlettSummerson colorimeter, Klett Manufacturing, Brooklyn, NY). These were used to inoculate 7H10 broth containing the following concentration (micrograms per milliliter) of drug(s): amoxicillin, 8; amoxicillin, 4; amoxicillin 2; clavulanic acid, 8; clavulanic acid, 4; amoxicillin, 8, and clavulanic acid, 4; amoxicillin, 4, and clavulanic acid, 2; amoxicillin, 2, and clavulanic acid, 1; amoxicillin, 1, and clavulanic acid, 0.5; and amoxicillin, 0.5, and clavulanic acid, 0.25. A control tube without any drug was run for each mycobacterial strain. The titers of the mycobacteria were determined in duplicate on 7H10 agar plates (BBL Microbiology Systems, Cockeysville, Md.). The final concentration of organisms was 0.1 Klett unit per ml, or about 5 x 104 CFU/ml (range, 1 x 104 to 7.7 x 104 CFU/ml).The optical density at 550 nm (OD550) of the above suspensions was determined with a Spectrophotometer Modernization System model 252 (Gilford Instrument Laboratories, Inc., Oberlin, Ohio) of a DU spectrophotometer (Beckman Instruments, Inc., Fullerton, Calif.). The OD550 of the inoculated tubes was not measurably different fr...