Background-In the heart, striking functional differences exist after stimulation of the  1 -and  2 -adrenergic receptor (AR) subtypes. These may be linked to differences in metabolic response during  1 -and  2 -AR stimulation. Methods and Results-The relation between work and metabolism was examined during selective  1 -and  2 -AR stimulation ( 1 and  2 groups, respectively) in the isolated perfused rat heart. Measurements were made of rate-pressure product (RPPϭLV developed pressure ϫ heart rate), phosphorus-containing metabolites, and pH by 31 P nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and of O 2 consumption by fiber-optic oximetry. Experiments were performed under high constant flow (HCF) and under flow-limiting conditions (constant pressure, CP). Despite substantially greater RPP increases relative to baseline during  1 -AR (HCF, 475%; CP, 150%) than  2 -AR (HCF, 90%; CP, 72%) stimulation, the relative decrease in the intracellular energy charge relative to baseline was similar for the  1 (HCF, 49%; CP, 64%) and  2 (HCF, 59%; CP, 55%) groups. For each group, an increase in oxygen consumption (MV O 2 ) occurred commensurate with workload during HCF ( 1 , 141%;  2 , 30%). During CP, however, the MV O 2 increase was similar ( 1 , 39%;  2 , 34%), despite the large RPP difference between the groups. During both protocols, there was greater acidosis during  1 -AR than during  2 -AR stimulation. Thus, at a given workload, intracellular energy charge decreased, and MV O 2 (CP) increased to a greater extent during  2 than  1 -AR stimulation.