underlies the pathophysiology of narcolepsy, 4,5 and disruption of hypocretin signaling in mouse, 6 rat, 7,8 and dog 9 leads to narcolepsy-cataplexy. Hypocretinergic neurons project to multiple areas of the brain, including those important for regulating sleep and wakefulness. 1 One such area is the pontine reticular nucleus, oral part (PnO). 1,10 The PnO is the rostral portion of the rodent pontine reticular formation 11 and contributes to the generation of wakefulness and rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. 12 Microinjection of hypocretin-1 into rat PnO causes an increase in wakefulness, 13 and microinjection of hypocretin-1 into cat pontine reticular formation increases the cortically activated states of REM sleep 14 or wakefulness. 15,16 Administering hypocretin-1 into the PnO may increase wakefulness by modulating the release of arousal-promoting neurotransmitters within the PnO. Direct administration of hypocretin-1 to the PnO of isoflurane-anesthetized rat causes a concentration-dependent increase in both acetylcholine (ACh) release 17 and GABA levels 13 within the PnO. Extracellular recording studies of PnO neurons in urethane-anesthetized rat show that iontophoretic application of hypocretin-1 causes a hyperpolarization that is blocked by prior application of bicuculline. 10 This finding indicates that the hypocretin-1-induced inhibition of PnO neurons is mediated by GABA A receptors. Identified GABAergic neurons in brainstem slices of mouse PnO have been shown to be excited by hypocretin-1, 18 and intracellular recording studies in halothane-anesthetized cat show that hypocretin-1 can also cause direct depolarization of PnO neurons and an increase in PnO neuronal firing rate. 14 Numerous studies have demonstrated that GABAergic transmission in the PnO increases wakefulness and inhibits REM sleep. 13,[19][20][21][22][23][24][25] The present study provides the first test of the hypothesis that the wakefulness-promoting effects of delivering hypocretin-1 into the PnO are mediated by GABA A receptors as well as by hypocretin receptors. This hypothesis was evaluated by determining whether (1) microinjection of hypocretin-1 into the PnO causes a concentration-dependent increase in wakefulness, (2) this increase in wakefulness is blocked by coadministration of the hypocretin receptor-1 (hcrt-r1) antagonist SB-334867, and (3) coadministration of the GABA A receptor antagonist bicuculline also blocks the wakefulness response to hypocretin-1. Portions of these data have been presented as abstracts. 26,27
Chemicals and Drug SolutionsHuman hypocretin-1 was purchased from California Peptide Research, Inc. (Napa, CA). Bicuculline methiodide was pur- Study Objectives: Hypocretin-1/orexin A administered directly into the oral part of rat pontine reticular formation (PnO) causes an increase in wakefulness and extracellular g-aminobutyric acid (GABA) levels. The receptors in the PnO that mediate these effects have not been identified. Therefore, this study tested the hypothesis that the increase in wa...