MnF, antiferromagnetic system by plane-polarized light through excitation of excitons in one of the two equivalent sublattices in the AFM was the subject of an outstanding experimental study [6]. A great amount of experimental work has been carried out2) with the aim of verifying and analyzing in detail the above-mentioned effects.
Basic Principles of the Magnetic Semiconductor Theory
Temperature dependence of the energy spectiqum of conduction electrons in ferromagnetic systemsThe theory of magnetic semiconductors is based on the s-f model (below the differences between localized d-and f-electrons are disregarded). With charge carriers having the same sign, the Hamiltonian for this model in the nearest-neighbour approximation has the following form:The first term in (2.1) describes the conduction electrons; g is the dimensionless coordinate of the atom, A the vector connecting the nearest neighbours, (T the spin projection. The second term describes the exchange interaction between conduction electrons and localized magnetic moments; here, Sg is the operator of the localized magnetic moment for the g atom, so,, are the Pauli matrices. The third term describes the "direct" (more precisely, the superexchange) interaction between localized magnetic moments which determines the type of magnetic ordering in the crystal. For certainly, the lattice of magnetic atoms is considered to be simple cubic.Magnetic semiconductors can be classified according t o the magnitude of the parameter ASIW, where S is the magnitude of the localized spin of the atom, W the conduction band width. Among semiconductors with a wide conduction band ( W > > A S ) are, e.g., EuO and EuS ferromagnets and EuTe and EuSe antiferromagnets.Among semiconductors with a narrow conduction band are, e.g., ferromagnetic spinels CdCr,Se, and others [74]. A theory of narrow-band magnetic semiconductors was described in detail earlier [63]. Below we shall analyze the results as applied to semiconductors with wide conduction bands. Qualitatively, in both cases the physical picture is the same, but if W > AX a more detailed analysis is possible [75, 2031.