Colcothar is a solid pitch-like substance with a shiny surface ranging in color from dark brown to black, with a specific smell and bitter taste. It is a mixture of organic and inorganic substances which are usually soluble in water. Since ancient times it has been used for treating many sicknesses, and its origin (animal, plant, petroleum, deep, excrement, bee, mineral, and so on) is still unknown [1,2].In the present work, the elemental composition of colcothar obtained from 10 samples of raw material taken from a cave in paleozoic rock on the northern slopes of the Turkestan mountain range was investigated. The samples were obtained by repeatedly extracting the initial material using water followed by evaporation. The organoleptic indicators of the samples -20-22.5% mineral, 71.1-77.9% organic, 2.1-6.4% moisture -are characteristic for many types of colcothar [2].Measurement Procedure. Results. The content of chemical elements (see Table 1) was determined by the following methods:• instrumental neutron-activation analysis with irradiation of the samples (50 mg) with thermal neutrons with flux density 6·10 12 sec -1 ·cm -2 in the VVR-SM reactor at the Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan [3]; • atomic-absorption analysis on a Hitachi (Japan) Z-8000 spectrophotometer;• emission-spectral analysis on a DFS 8 diffraction spectrograph; • chemical quantitative analysis used in geological practice [4]. These methods determined in 10 samples of colcothar, as a whole, the content of 44 elements to within 5-30%. The variance in the content of most elements in the samples does not exceed a factor of 3-4, but it reaches 10 for selenium and thorium.Since the content of natural radionuclides from the uranium-thorium series is low in colcothar, the radioactivity of colcothar was determined for a collection of all ten samples (total mass 1200 g). The specific activity of 40 K, 226 Ra, and 228 Ac in the sample is 2010, ≤1, ≤2 Bq/kg, respectively. The measurements were performed on a γ spectrometer with a Ge(Li) detector (V = 100 cm 3 , ∆E γ~ 6 keV at E γ = 1332 keV) in the geometry of a one-liter Marinelli vessel. In the γ spectrum of colcothar the total absorption peaks for γ radiation from 226 Ra ( 238 U series), 228 Ac ( 232 Th series), and their daughter radionuclides are comparable in intensity with the background spectrum, while the 1461 keV γ radiation from 40 K is more than 4 times higher than the background value. The spectrometer was calibrated with respect to the γ-ray detection efficiency using standard volume sources (OMASN) of 40 K, 137 Cs, 226 Ra, and 232 Th. The measurement procedure is described in detail in [5].