The zirconium methylidene (PNP)Zr = CH 2 (OAr) (1)r eacts with N 3 Ad to give two products (PNP)Zr=NAd-(OAr) (2)and (PNP)Zr(h 2 -N=NAd)(N=CH 2 )(OAr) (3), both resulting from ac ommon cycloaddition intermediate (PNP)Zr(CH 2 N 3 Ad)(OAr) (A). Using as eries of control experiments in combination with DFT calculations,i tw as found that 2 results from an itrene by ac arbene metathesis reaction in which N 2 acts as ad elivery vehicle and forms N 2 CH 2 as aside product. In the case of 3,N ÀNbond splitting of the azide at the a-position allowed the isolation of ar are example of ap arent ketimide complex of zirconium. Isotopic labeling studies and solid-state X-ray analysis are presented for 2 and 3,inaddition to an independent synthesis for the former.Diazomethane (N 2 CH 2 )i sahighly reactive molecule with rich history owing to its ability to readily perform methylenation reactions,t hat is,C H 2 -group transfer, to organic substrates. [1] This small, but often explosive and toxic, molecule is generally prepared thermally and under basic conditions from reactive N-methyl-nitroso precursors that have aleaving group. [2,3] Given our interest in metal-mediated group-transfer processes with metal-ligand multiple bonds, we questioned whether ah igh-energy molecule such as diazomethane could be alternatively prepared by ac rossmetathesis reaction involving an early-transition-metal methylidene and an organic azide (N 3 R). TheM = CH 2 fragment is highly reactive and formation of the strong M=NR bond should provide an additional driving force.T his unprecedented reaction would constitute am ethylidene for nitrene cross-metathesis in which the N 2 unit of the azide acts as the delivery vehicle,a nd is not released in the process. Indeed, calculations using 3 CH 2 with an organic azide N 3 Ad (Ad = 1-adamantyl) reveal such ap rocess to be exergonic with af ree energy of formation (DG f To test this hypothesis,w ed ecided to explore the mononuclear zirconium methylidene complex (PNP)-Zr=CH 2 (OAr) (1)( PNP À = N[2-P i Pr 2 -4-methylphenyl] 2 À , Ar = 2,6-i Pr 2 C 6 H 3 ) [3] with N 3 Ad and report herein two divergent reactions that result from the formation of N 2 CH 2 along with the imide (PNP)Zr = NAd(OAr) (2); the latter species could be prepared independently by oxidation of (PNP)Zr(h 2 -H 2 CCH 2 )(OAr) (5)with N 3 Ad. In the formation of 2 from 1 and N 3 Ad, another product, ap arent ketimide (PNP)Zr(h 2 -N=NAd)(N=CH 2 )(OAr) (3), also resulted from NÀNsplitting of the azide.Computational studies established that the products 2 and 3 share ac ommon intermediate,t he 1,3-addition product of 1 with N 3 Ad, namely [(PNP)Zr-(CH 2 N 3 Ad)(OAr)] (A), which can undergo retrocycloaddition:N ÀNb ond splitting at the b-g position or NÀNb ond splitting at the a-b position of the formal azide moiety.Fewstable examples of mononuclear group 4methylidene complexes exist [5,6] and when complex 1 [5] is treated with N 3 Ad in toluene at À35 8 8Co ver 15 minutes,t he 31 PNMR spectrum reveals two products (2:3 ratio) [4] both possessin...