. Molecular mechanisms that drive estradiol-dependent burst firing of Kiss1 neurons in the rostral periventricular preoptic area. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 305: E1384 -E1397, 2013. First published October 8, 2013 doi:10.1152/ajpendo.00406.2013 neurons in the rostral periventricular area of the third ventricle (RP3V) provide excitatory drive to gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) neurons to control fertility. Using whole cell patch clamp recording and single-cell (sc)RT-PCR techniques targeting Kiss1-CreGFP or tyrosine hydroxylase (TH)-EGFP neurons, we characterized the biophysical properties of these neurons and identified the critical intrinsic properties required for burst firing in 17-estradiol (E 2)-treated, ovariectomized female mice. One-fourth of the RP3V Kiss1 neurons exhibited spontaneous burst firing. RP3V Kiss1 neurons expressed a hyperpolarization-activated h-current (I h) and a T-type calcium current (IT), which supported hyperpolarization-induced rebound burst firing. Under voltage clamp conditions, all Kiss1 neurons expressed a kinetically fast Ih that was augmented 3.4-fold by high (LH surgeproducing)-E2 treatment. scPCR analysis of Kiss1 neurons revealed abundant expression of the HCN1 channel transcripts. Kiss1 neurons also expressed a Ni 2ϩ -and TTA-P2-sensitive IT that was augmented sixfold with high-E2 treatment. CaV3.1 mRNA was also highly expressed in these cells. Current clamp analysis revealed that rebound burst firing was induced in RP3V Kiss1 neurons in high-E2-treated animals, and the majority of Kiss1 neurons had a hyperpolarization threshold of Ϫ84.7 mV, which corresponded to the V½ for IT deinactivation. Finally, Kiss1 neurons in the RP3V were hyperpolarized by -and -opioid and GABA B receptor agonists, suggesting that these pathways also contribute to rebound burst firing. Therefore, Kiss1 neurons in the RP3V express the critical channels and receptors that permit E2-dependent rebound burst firing and provide the biophysical substrate that drives the preovulatory surge of GnRH. RP3V; kisspeptin; burst firing; pacemaker current; T-type calcium channel KISSPEPTIN (KISS1) NEURONS in the the rostral periventricular area of the third ventricle (RP3V) project to GnRH neurons in the preoptic area (POA) (7) and have been identified as excitatory afferents to the gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) neurons (26). Kisspeptin is one of the most potent agonists and induces sustained firing in GnRH neurons (18,39,56). Although cell-attached recordings of firing rates of Kiss1 neurons in the RP3V have been reported (9, 11), there have been few studies characterizing the biophysical properties and molecular signature of these cells. A recent report documented the expression of an h-current (I h ) in RP3V neurons (40), but the underlying kinetic properties and channels intrinsic to these unique cells have not been characterized.Single-action potential-generated calcium influx is sufficient to spark the release of classical neurotransmitters; however, burst firing or tetanic stimulation i...