A review of the muon spin rotation and relaxation (µSR) studies on magnetic materials published from July 1993 is presented. It covers the investigation of magnetic phase diagrams, that of spin dynamics and the analysis of the magnetic properties of superconductors. We have chosen to focus on selected experimental works in these different topics. In addition, a list of published works is provided.
Contents1. Introduction 2. µSR: muon spin rotation, relaxation 2.1. The transverse depolarization function 2.2. The longitudinal depolarization function 2.3. The magnetic field at the muon site 3. Magnetic phase diagrams 3.1. Magnetic ordering in organic compounds 3.2. Magnetic ordering in spin chains and ladders 3.3. Diamagnetic domains in beryllium 3.4. Localized and itinerant f electrons in heavy-fermion materials 4. Spin dynamics in magnets 4.1. Critical and low-temperature spin dynamics in ferromagnets 4.2. The correlation function in spin glasses 5. Probing the magnetic properties of superconductors 5.1. The symmetry of the superconducting order parameter in YBa 2 Cu 3 O 6.95 5.2. The vortex state in highly anisotropic high-T c superconductors 5.3. Anisotropy of the magnetic response in UPt 3 6. Summary and perspectives 7. List of works published from July 1993 Appendix A. The magnetic field at the muon site A.1. The magnetic field in the laboratory and crystal reference frames A.2. The Fourier components of the magnetic field A.3. The field distribution at the muon site Appendix B. Muon spin relaxation in a longitudinal field Appendix C. The longitudinal relaxation rate and correlation functions Appendix D. The µSR response function for hard superconductors