The Coriolis coupling constants and the centrifugal distortion constants relating to the hydrides and their isotopic analogues of Group V elements have been studied with the help of kinetic constants. The values of these molecular constants are in good agreement with the observed values, showing the significance of the procedure adopted in the present study.The secular equation in the study of molecular vibrations has been solved on the basis of molecular kinetic constants by Thirugnanasambandam et a1 (1-8) in their investigations of different types of polyatomic molecules. The new concept of kinetic constants has led to significant values of the force constants, the mean amplitudes of vibration, the Coriolis coupling constants and the centrifugal distortion constants in these cases. The kinetic constants, force constants and mean amplitudes of vibration of the hydrides of Group V elements of the pyramidal XI (C ) type (X -N,P,As,Sb ; Y * H,D,T) have already been reported by Thirugnanasambandam and Mohan (5). In the present study, the Coriolis coupling constants and the centrifugal distortion constants of these twelve molecules are evaluated on the basis of kinetic constants. where kd, kdd, ka, kaa, kda en kda are the kinetic constants of the molecules.
Results and discussionThe kinetic constants of the twelve hydrides are given in Table I. The Coriolis coupling constants calculated here are listed in Table 2