Can. J. Chem. 53,633 (1975).. A number of Ni(I1) complexes of thiourea, N-methylthiourea, N,N1-dimethylthiourea, N-naphthylthiourea, N,N1-diethylthiourea, and ethylene thiourea have been studied in acetone solution by proton magnetic resonance, magnetic susceptibility measurements, and conductivity measurements. In solution these complexes have tetrahedral, square planar, and octahedral geometries. In many cases equilibria between compounds with different geometries exist. Such equilibria have been studied as a function of temperature. The factors determining the relative stability of Ni(I1) compounds with different geometries are discussed. In the present series of compounds it is concluded that the charge on the metal ion has the predominant influence in determining geometry. Some qualitative results on ligand exchange rates and mechanisms are also reported. D. R. EATON e t K. ZAW. Can. J. Chem. 53, 633 (1975). On a CtudiC, en solution dans ['acetone, par resonance magnktique nuclkaire du proton, par d e s mesures de susceptibilit6 maanetique et par des mesures de conductivitC. une seriede complexes du Ni(1I) avec la ihiourke, la&-methylthiour&e, la N, ~' -d i m~t h~l t h i o u r & , la N-naphtylthibur6e, la N, N'-dibthylthiouree et I'ethyltne thiourke. En solution, ces complexes ont des gComCtries tetraedrique, plan carre et octabdrique. Dans plusieurs cas, des dquilibres existent entre des composes ayant des gCometries diffkrentes. On a BtudiC de tels Cquilibres en fonction de la temperature. On discute des facteurs determinant la stabilitC relative de composes du Ni(I1) avec diffkrentes geomCtries. Dans la s i n e de composts prksentks dans cette communication, o n conclut que la charge sur I'ion m8tallique a une influence prkponddrante dans la d6termination d e la gkombtrie. On rapporte aussi quelques resultats qualitatifs sur les vitesses d'bchanges d e s ligands et sur les mkcanismesde ces dchanges.[Traduit par le journal]Thiourea and substituted thioureas form complexes with most of the transition metal ions in the first period (1). These complexes are generally labile in solution and often partly solvolyzed. They therefore constitute a suitable series for systematic study of the kinetics and mechanisms of rapid ligand exchange reactions. We have previously reported some solution studies of the Co(I1) compounds (2). These latter complexes are uniformly tetrahedral in nonaqueous solution. The situation for the analogous Ni(I1) compounds is more complicated. Octahedral, square planar, and tetrahedral geometries are all plausible and in the case of thiourea complexes all occur. In a preliminary communication (3) we suggested that the relative stabilities of Ni(I1) thiourea complexes with different geometries were determined by electronic rather than steric factors. In the present paper we report the n.m.r. and magnetic susceptibility results that support this conclusion and will also discuss some aspects of the ligand exchange processes.A substantial number of papers have been published on the synthesis a...