A homologous series of three octakis-alkyl-substituted porphyrin (OAP) derivatives with alkyl chain lengths of C 8 , C 10 and C 12 has been synthesised. For each compound, both the free-base (i.e. two H-atoms) and the fourfold coordinated zinc complex were investigated, where the latter for each chainlength was found to exhibit liquid crystalline mesophase behaviour. At low temperatures 10 all three metal coordinated compounds formed a solid S phase with a structure based on a square packing of columns with a stacking periodicity of 4.7 Å. At increased temperatures the square packed solid S phases undergo phase transitions to liquid-crystalline columnar phases based on centered rectangular lattices of C2/m symmetry, with the ratio of the lattice parameters, a/b, ranging between 1 and 1.732. The a/b ratio exhibited two discontinuous jumps with increasing 15 temperature prior to melting to the isotropic phase for Zn-OAP-C 8, implying the existence of three columnar phases denoted Col r1 , Col r2 and Col r3 . For the longer chainlength compounds, the number of mesophases formed was reduced, first to two for Zn-OAP-C 10 , then to one for Zn-OAP-C 12 .