The NA60 experiment at the CERN SPS studied φ meson production in In-In collisions at 158 A GeV via muon and kaon decay channels. Results in the hadronic channel are presented for the first time. These are discussed in the framework of the so-called φ puzzle through the comparison with the previous NA60 measurements in the muon channel. The yield and inverse m T slopes observed in the two channels are compatible within errors, showing that the large discrepancies seen in Pb-Pb collisions between NA50 (muon pairs) and NA49 (kaon pairs) are not seen in the NA60 In-In data.Strangeness enhancement was proposed already in 1982 as a signature of the occurrence of the quark gluon plasma phase [1]. Due to its ss valence quark content, the φ meson is a particularly valuable probe for the measurement of strangeness production.φ production measurements were performed at the CERN SPS by the NA49, NA50 and CERES experiments in lead induced collisions at 158 A·GeV. Discrepancies were observed in the measurements performed by NA50 [2] in the muon channel and by NA49 [3] in the kaon channel, both in Pb-Pb collisions. The φ multiplicity measured by NA50 is much higher than the one obtained by NA49. Concerning the transverse mass distributions, NA50 finds an inverse slope of about 230 MeV, almost independent of centrality, while NA49 measures values increasing with the number of participants N part from ∼250 MeV to ∼300 MeV.The origin of this discrepancy, known as the φ puzzle, has long been discussed. It was suggested that kaons may suffer rescattering and absorption in the medium, resulting in a depletion of kaon pairs, especially at low p T , that leads to a reduced yield and a hardening of the p T distribution in the hadronic channel. In this frame, the yield in lepton pairs is expected to exceed the one in kaon pairs by about 50% [4].Recent results by CERES [5] on φ production in Pb-Au collisions via the K + K − and e + e − decay channels confirm the NA49 results, and thus suggest that there is no φ puzzle. However, the results in dielectrons, being affected by large statistical errors, are not conclusive. The NA60 experiment at the CERN SPS studied φ meson production in In-In collisions both in muon and kaon pairs. Details of the apparatus are reported in [6].The sample used for the results presented in this paper was collected with a 158 A·GeV In beam impinging on a segmented In target, composed of 7 subtargets of 17% total interaction probability placed in vacuum. 230 million triggers, mainly dimuons, were acquired. In order to avoid events with reinteractions of nuclear fragments in the subsequent targets, only events with one vertex in the target region were selected.