In this paper we present an analysis and comparison of two streamwise supersonic vortices interaction with using the methods of maximum vorticity and the ?2-criterion. Mach number of incoming flow was M? = 3. A pair of vortices was generated by two coaxial straight wings with sharp leading, tip and trailing edges. Two configurations are considered: a pair of counter-rotating vortices and a pair of co-rotating vortices. In the case of counterrotating vortices the wings attack angle was 10 degrees. In the case of co-rotating vortices the attack angle of one of the wings was 10 degrees, the attack angle of other one was -10 degrees. Numerical data were obtained in the domain of 10 wing chords downstream from a wings axis by a computational model based on the URANS equations with SA turbulence model. Numerical simulations were performed on the hybrid supercomputing system K-60 at the Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics RAS using the developed software package ARES for 3D turbulent flows modeling on high performance computing systems. The main simulation was performed on 224 cores. The simulations were carried out on unstructured grids with hexagonal cells.